Temma Bell

Blue Hills

Exhibition Dates: May 24 – June 18, 2022

Opening Reception: Saturday, May 28, 2022, 3-6pm

Temma Bell is a native New Yorker, but has lived in Iceland and France and now resides in Delhi, in upstate New York. She continues to find inspiration in the landscape, interiors, her surroundings, her family, and the animals in her life, believing that her eye will hopefully make sense of all the complexities, inside and outside. This show consists of recent landscapes of Delhi, sketches from Reykjavík, family groups and self portraits.rld. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

“The wonder of truly good painting is that a human eye can convey so comprehensive a grasp. Viewed together, Bell´s paintings suggest that it’s ultimately her affection for the subject (it can’t be simply calculation or preconception) that coheres the impulses of form-aided , of course, by her considerable abilities and abiding awareness of a formal language of paint.” John Goodrich, Art Critical, April 2003

Temma Bell is a landscape painter whose high points bear comparison with the best of Dufy and Derain.” Jed Perl, New York Modern Painters, Spring 1998

Temma Bell presents long views of open country, sometimes returning to a spot in a different season, from a slightly different viewpoint, but always creating tension between the material presence of painting a surface and the suggestion of enterable distance.” Karen Wilkin, Light of Day, The Language of Landscape, 2022


Naomi Nemtzow - “Elsewhere”